Work Gallery

Deck in Kwila

Deck in Kwila

Kwila deck

Kwila deck

Deck with wire balustrade

Decking in Stonewood (Angelim Pedra) hardwood

Decking in Composite Permadeck

Composite decking

Deck in Kwila

Pine pool deck

Pine pool deck

Pool deck in Vitex

Vitex deck with pergola

Pool deck in Pine

Pergola with Vitex deck

Pool deck in Garapa

Pool deck in Purpleheart

Pool deck in Kwila with Pine pergola

Garapa hardwood deck

Deck in Garapa

Garapa deck with steps and seating

Garapa deck with steps and seating

Garapa decking with painted Pine screening

Deck entranceway in Garapa

Steps, retaining and decking in Garapa

Kwila deck, steps and spa pool fencing

Kwila deck, steps and spa pool fencing

Deck in Purpleheart hardwood

Vitex deck

Side decking in Vitex

Deck with vertical slats

Deck and vertical screening in Vitex

Deck in Kwila with Pine pergola

Pine pergola with Vitex deck

Pine pergola with Vitex deck, stained and oiled

Showerscreen and pad in Pine

Showerscreen in Pine

Steps in quartersawn Pine

Biform Composite decking
We build great decks, but we don’t stop there – we’re Tauranga’s outdoor living space specialists. Take a look at some of our recent projects then get in touch on 0800 332 547 to discuss creating your own outdoor paradise.